
What is an Escape Game?

Taking part in an escape game session is an exciting adventure that tests your wits, your ability to work as a team and your speed at solving puzzles.

The game consists in finding your way out of a room by solving a series of enigmas on a particular theme and completing tasks within a limited time: 1 hour! It’s a race against time!

Each room has its own universe, theme and décor, transporting you to another era, at the heart of a plot in which you are the protagonists.

Salle Anti chambre du marquis

To escape, you’ll need to solve a multitude of enigmas, crack secret codes and handle unusual objects. You’ll need all your senses! The game requires no special technical knowledge or physical effort. It’s based on communication, cooperation and reflection.

It’s a leisure activity that’s popular with friends and family aged 6 and over, or even with colleagues in a team-building context.

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To complete your mission, you’ll need to assemble a team of 2 to 5 players.You can bring up to 6 participants in room 2. We recommend that you compose your team with players with whom you feel comfortable communicating and collaborating. Once your team has been formed, you can book your session in advance on our website.

Throughout the game, you’ll be guided by a Game Master who will monitor your progress via a camera system. He can interact with you if you ask for his help.

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Escape Castle
an escape game in a castle

Escape Castle is the promise of an escape game in an authentic castle, offering you a mysterious and totally immersive experience.

The scenario in your room and the decor combine to create an unforgettable team adventure. Imagine stepping inside the walls of a castle, with its original stonework, towers and dark corridors. It’s the perfect setting for an escape game, where every room has its own unique detail, and every feature of the place can become a puzzle to be solved.

Discover the rooms
Château Usson